
Postpassword Security with FIDO2

Welcome to the dawn of the post-password world. Multifactor authentication orbits it and two-factor authentication is just a short ride away. A new adoption campaign has launched, and it’s bound for broad enablement of FIDO2. FIDO2 will be the first stop after...

Tips for Establishing Your Security Program

(And How the Cyber Insurance Industry May Help You for Free) I won’t keep you waiting. Before you get too excited about that free assist from the cyber insurance industry, let me be clear: it won’t, directly. But that’s no problem. Resourcefulness benefits any...

Is Online Privacy the Next Phase of Globalization

Google’s first privacy fine post-GDPR sounds substantial. $57 million could certainly buy a first-class infosec infrastructure for a medium-sized company and keep many payrolls rolling out for years to come. But bear in mind that relative to Google’s earnings...